Top 25 Best Stuffies In My Opinion 2016

25. Warty (Warty Pig)
24. Giraffy (Giraffe)
23. Cougy (Cougar)
22. Gorili (Gorilla)
21. Draggy (Dragon)
20. Pillsbury Dough Boy (y’all knowoh he is!)
19. Squidle (Squid)
18. Snakery (Snake)
17. Hipstero (Hippopotamus)
16. Dolphie (Dolphin)
15. Tim (LOL 69)
14. Eagge (Eagle)
13. Murphy (Pink and Yellow Ball)
12. Jerry (Blue Ball)
11. Maxine (Green Ball)
10. YO! PATCH! (Pirate Ball)
9. The 2 Ts (TT) (Timmy Johnson and Timmy the Pig)
8. Vicky the Pig (Reversible Pig to Porkchop)
7. Kofudo (Leopard)
6. Demon Green Lantern the Superhero (Green Lantern with a square brown head) 😀 🙂 :l 🙁 :C
5. Safy (Orca)
4. Lily (Orca ((Ninge’s sister)))
3. Ninge (Orca)
2. TyPuff (Turtle)
1. Odufok (White Tiger)

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